Logo: Welcome to Sowton Village


Come join us for our scheduled events throughout the year! Further details will be provided as we near each occasion so please keep a look out on the Village Hall Whatsapp. Additional events maybe organised by our wonderful residents, details of these will be issued at the earliest opportunity.  Any questions please do not hesitate to contact a Trustee of the hall, we look forward to seeing you soon, from your Trustees, Andy Bastow, Sue Sturdy, Ben Marsh, Mark Kvesic and Yvette Williams Hardy.

Image result for beetle drive

Date – Saturday 24 February 2024

Time – 18:00

A light supper will be provided, its always a giggle!

Image result for summer bbq cartoon

Date – Saturday 17 August 2024

Time – 18:30

A ticketed event to know how many burgers we need to flip…and yes Cow Boy Beans will be available 😉

Image result for harvest supper

Date – Saturday 05 October 2024

Time – 18:30

Harvest Supper, often a very popular event where we celebrate the harvest cycle and eat wonderful home made desserts!

Image result for christmas party

Date – Saturday 07 December 2024

Time – 18:30

Sowton Village likes nothing more than a celebration, so no other better way to come together and end the year with a Christmas Party! 


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